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"The quality of pupils' academic and other achievements is EXCELLENT"

Independent School Inspectorate 2023

a warm welcome


Shoreham College is a school that cares. We value our children, know them well, and work hard to ensure our pupils are safe, secure, and happy. Our nurturing staff understands children’s well-being is fundamental to their development and success, and so we place our children’s best interests at the centre of everything we do.

Shoreham College

Challenging, Supporting, and Inspiring

3–5 years

Little lions Pre-School

We give your child an excellent academic education which broadly follows the national curriculum.

5–11 years


We give your child an excellent academic education which broadly follows the national curriculum.

11–16 years


We give your child an excellent academic education which broadly follows the national curriculum.

Our grounds and facilities

Shoreham College is a refreshing blend of history, tradition, and innovation. Beyond our ancient flint walls, you will find our Tudor manor house, the magnificent oaks, and our spacious playing fields.


Educating children between the ages of 3 to 16, where all abilities are supported and challenged.

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Keep up to date with our latest posts

7th February 2025
Year 2 has been using pastels in their art lesson to draw pandas, the national animal of China. Aren't they fantastic?
6th February 2025
The Junior Drama Club is currently making a short film called Winning At All Cost. They were busy this week, doing some Green Screen filming where the background will be replaced by something completely different. The members get to film, write, and star in the film and are very excited about the project.
6th February 2025
Our Young Pilots Are Taking Off! It’s been an incredible five weeks since our Young Pilots scheme began, and our aspiring aviators are thriving! They’re now in their final preparations for their first-ever flight, this half term - taking to the skies from Goodwood Airfield for a 30-minute flight! After their maiden journey, they’ll be back in the classroom, honing their skills with chart work and flight simulators before gearing up for their second flight during the Easter holidays. #britishyoungpilots #goodwoodairfield
6th February 2025
In the art club, the pupils explored painting on glass and created their own decorated flowered inspired jars. Learning the techniques on how to paint leaves, petals and stems results in beautifully decorated pieces, ready for a tealight or string of lights.
5th February 2025
Well done to Sophie who, after developing a passion for athletics here at Shoreham College, joined the Worthing Harriers and has been doing really well competing in the Sussex Athletics Sport Hall League. She recently achieved 1st and 3rd in Vertical Jump, joint 2nd in speed bounce, 3rd & 4th in 1 lap race, and 3rd twice in the 6 lap parlauf! #worthingharriers
5th February 2025
In their art lesson, 6Ri explored using wax resist sticks and blending sticks as part of the next stage in their Shelter drawings.