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Junior School

Welcome to the Junior School

We believe that happiness and an enjoyment of learning are fundamental to the success and progress of all our pupils. Our caring community offers each of our children a unique education that promotes an ethos of compassion, tolerance, and understanding.

We offer our children a happy and stimulating learning environment with airy, modern classrooms and extensive grounds. Our broad, balanced curriculum inspires pupils to explore and experiment, and we work closely with our pupils and their families to develop strong foundations in numeracy, literacy, and thinking skills. Small class sizes ensure that each child is known and valued, allowing their education to be tailored to their needs and interests. We monitor children’s academic and social progress carefully to ensure appropriate support and challenge.

Providing plentiful opportunities for children to explore their passions, we support our children in taking risks in their learning and in developing their resilience and independence. Our pupils participate in diverse curricular and co-curricular activities, including many creative and sporting events. From Year 3 onwards, children enjoy specialist teaching in French and Spanish, and our Year 5 pupils join the Head of Design and Technology to develop their functional and creative skills in our specialised workshop. Music lessons, a fully equipped sports hall, and a heated outdoor swimming pool mean that our children have access to a breadth of opportunities and excellent facilities.

Playing an active role in our school and wider community develops our children’s communication, confidence, and understanding of others. Promoting health and well-being across our community, Key Stage 2 pupils participate in the Daily Mile project and Internet Safety Day. Our youngest pupils visit members of our local community, including the post office, library, and emergency services. Our older pupils organise, and participate in charitable events to raise awareness or funds for local organisations, including Emmaus Brighton and Hove, Brighton Homeless and Vulnerable charity – Off the Fence, and Martlets Hospice.

Contributing to children’s physical and mental well-being, the natural world provides many opportunities to develop creativity, imagination, and initiative. Junior pupils take full advantage of our exceptional setting and forest school, developing an appreciation of nature and our planet. Forest school and the John Muir Award offer exciting collaboration with the South Downs National Park on sustainable environmental projects, including the recent creation of a promotional film.

'I think Shoreham College is an amazing school made extraordinary by the staff'


Meet the Junior Pupils



We believe that every child is important, unique, and talented, and deserves an enriched and rounded education



We offer a vibrant range of after school clubs and activities to cater to every child’s interests and talents.



Learning extends beyond the classroom.